敵の狙い・青獅子の学級 The Enemy's Aim (Blue Lions)
Reception Hall
ディミトリ: 暗殺計画に備え、大修道院の警備に当たる。それが俺たちの今節の課題だったよな。
Dimitri: So, our task for this moon is to patrol and guard the monastery, to help put a stop to that assassination plot.
The knights will certainly have their hands full protecting Lady Rhea. Perhaps our enemy is counting on that...
Choice 1: どういう意味? What do you mean?
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下。おれにも、意味を教えていただけませんか。
Dedue: Your Highness. I am curious as to what you mean by that.
Choice 2: そう思う I agree. (Dimitri ⤴)
ドゥドゥー: ……意味を、お聞きしても?
Dedue: Please, elaborate.
ディミトリ: ロナート卿は暗殺計画の記された密書を始末もせずにわざわざ持っていた。
Dimitri: Why would Lord Lonato be carrying around a secret note with an assassination plot written on it?
Isn't it possible he hoped to monopolize everyone's attention with this alleged plot...in order to distract from his true aim?
アネット: 貴重なものといえば……宝物庫ね! 他にも書庫とかハンネマン先生の部屋とか……
Annette: Maybe they're after the treasure vault. There's also lots of valuable stuff in the library and Professor Hanneman's quarters!
フェリクス: 大修道院には、英雄の遺産に匹敵するような武器がいくつかあったはずだ。
Felix: True. The monastery undoubtedly houses many weapons that rival even the Heroes' Relics.
Sylvain: Whatever their aim, we can't allow any harm to come to the ladies of the monastery. I mean, what would I do with my spare time?
ドゥドゥー: ……修道院内を調べ、敵の狙いを探り当てる……ということでしょうか。
Dedue: You mean to say we should search the monastery. Try to find what the enemy is truly after.
ディミトリ: そのとおりだ。それに敵との戦闘に備え、訓練にも力を入れておきたい。
Dimitri: Yes. And we should be prepared to fight them as well, should it come to that. I wouldn't mind getting in some training, just in case.
シャミア: 顔を突き合わせて悪巧みか、先生?
Shamir: A secret meeting, Professor?
Oh, we haven't been introduced. I am Shamir.
ディミトリ: シャミアさんはセイロス騎士団の一員だ。で、こちらの少年が……
Dimitri: Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And this young man is―
ツィリル: レアさまの従者で、シャミアさんの弟子の、ツィリルです。
Cyril: I work for Lady Rhea! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril.
Choice 1: 従者? You work for Rhea?
ツィリル: レアさまの身の回りのお世話をしてます。
Cyril: Yep. I help Lady Rhea with all kinds of stuff.
Choice 2: 弟子? Shamir's apprentice?
ツィリル: 弓とか剣とか、稽古をつけてもらってます。
Cyril: Yep. She's teaching me about the bow and the sword and all kinds of stuff.
ツィリル: ボクもレアさまを守りたくて……。だから、シャミアさんの弟子
Cyril: I've gotta protect Lady Rhea, so that's why I've gotta learn all I can from Shamir.
シャミア: ツィリルはレアさんが大好きだからな。ま、互いにやれるだけやろう。
Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea. That aside, if you need anything, ask.